My car (thanks for asking!) is well again - in fact there was nothing wrong with it, according to the garage, who kept it all day and then charged me £30 for doing nothing. It has started perfectly every time since last Monday so there was obviously a jinx about.
In knitting news, I have to say a public "Thank You" to Uknitty who sent me a lovely knitting journal, out of the blue. She is obviously determined to turn me into an organised knitter who not only finishes things but also knows exactly what is in her stash and what patterns she has. I hope it works. I actually have two finished objects to report, but alas, no photos because my brain has completely mutated into a fluffy, woolly cloud and forgot to remind me to take pictures! The finshed articles are:
- machine-knit tunic/jumper for MIL, very fine cotton yarn in a wedgewood blue with a lace border and picot hem, deep V-neck. Designed by moi using Knitware, which is really simple to use even with the aforementioned brain.
- Hand-dyed 100% cashmere gloves for me - yarn from HipKnits ( a last-day bargain from Ally Pally) in a mixture of peach, soft greys/purples and greens - sounds a bit odd but looks very nice. Pattern from Vogue Knitting on the Go Mittens and Gloves (could be Gloves and Mittens - can't remember).
It looks as though I have hardly used any of the cashmere yarn - the ball doesn't look any smaller than when I started - so I need to find another little project to use up the leftovers. ( I just weighed the gloves - 22 grams the pair!). I've just got up off my a**e and snapped this arty little number:
Lovely and warm and they really do exist!
I have one or possibly two projects which may or may not be Christmas presents (not that I dithering, or anything), but I'm not sure either of them will be finished in time as I really want to finish the chair cover (otherwise Uknitty has sent me her pressie under false pretences and I cannot allow that). The main body of the cover is knitted, sewn up and is on the chair so it's (still) only the cushion cover to knit. Will it be finished before Christmas? Watch this space...................
P.S. Had a mini Depp-fest at the weekend - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Ed Wood"; the latter involves the delicious Mr Depp wearing a fluffy angora sweater and various other assorted items of womens clothing - a real treat.
I'm a completely disorganised knitter but I am *trying* my best to be good. Those cashmere gloves are scrummy. I'm doing some gloves on dpn's at the moment and suprisingly finding it much less of a fiddle than knitting them flat and having to faff about sewing up the seams.
What on earth is "snood"? I thought that they were those long tubes for covering your head that were oh so popular in the 80's !
C x
Uknitty, at 11:07 pm
Snood is a game:
Don't try it, you'll never have time for anything else!
I would never knit gloves any other way than on dpns - they're more comfy without seams
Annie, at 11:26 pm
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