Two years today
Since the inaugural post of this blog.
I can't believe it - two years of writing this drivel and not one complaint (yet). I've just had a quick look back through the archives and am dismayed to find that the quality of writing has not improved one iota! Don't know why I should be surprised really; after all, I've not made any attempts to improve the grammar or technical aspects of writing, never mind the imaginative or creative qualities. Maybe I should take a creative writing course - I'd love to be able to write stories and I'm sure the basic techniques could be applied to blog-writing. I've forgotten everything I ever knew about plot development (y'know, all that stuff about having a beginning, a middle and an end along with the odd climax or two on the way!) and have often found myself either waffling on without saying anything or finishing very abruptly because I can't find my way to the end. In the secret life that goes on in my head, not only am I very rich, unspeakably elegant and about 3 stone lighter than in real life, I'm also unbelievably eloquent and a master of the mot juste. Too bad that reality keeps rearing its ugly head!
Now if I had half a brain, I would have devised a clever and interesting competition with fabulous knitty prizes to celebrate two years of blogging, but such grey matter as I possess seems to be in a permanent state of fuzziness these days and will not co-operate.
Instead, I shall turn the tables and offer a rather more mundane (though knitting-related) yet-to-be-decided prize to the person who leaves a comment with the best suggestion for a competition. The only condition is that the competition must be fibre-related in some way so come on, get thinking!
My decision will be final and the closing date is 31st March.
Wanders off, singing "Happy blogversary to me, happy blogversary to me, Happy blogversary dear Creekie, happy blogversary to me"
I can't believe it - two years of writing this drivel and not one complaint (yet). I've just had a quick look back through the archives and am dismayed to find that the quality of writing has not improved one iota! Don't know why I should be surprised really; after all, I've not made any attempts to improve the grammar or technical aspects of writing, never mind the imaginative or creative qualities. Maybe I should take a creative writing course - I'd love to be able to write stories and I'm sure the basic techniques could be applied to blog-writing. I've forgotten everything I ever knew about plot development (y'know, all that stuff about having a beginning, a middle and an end along with the odd climax or two on the way!) and have often found myself either waffling on without saying anything or finishing very abruptly because I can't find my way to the end. In the secret life that goes on in my head, not only am I very rich, unspeakably elegant and about 3 stone lighter than in real life, I'm also unbelievably eloquent and a master of the mot juste. Too bad that reality keeps rearing its ugly head!
Now if I had half a brain, I would have devised a clever and interesting competition with fabulous knitty prizes to celebrate two years of blogging, but such grey matter as I possess seems to be in a permanent state of fuzziness these days and will not co-operate.
Instead, I shall turn the tables and offer a rather more mundane (though knitting-related) yet-to-be-decided prize to the person who leaves a comment with the best suggestion for a competition. The only condition is that the competition must be fibre-related in some way so come on, get thinking!
My decision will be final and the closing date is 31st March.
Wanders off, singing "Happy blogversary to me, happy blogversary to me, Happy blogversary dear Creekie, happy blogversary to me"
Hey, a blog is a journal and you can write any old way you please. Besides, I think you write rather well...I'll bet you speak the same way!
Now I must think of a clever contest idea... Happy Blogiversary!
Sheepish Annie, at 10:22 pm
Congrats on the Blogiversary!
My brain's not really in gear today, but how about naming one of the skeins of yarn that you dyed?
Hellbelle, at 1:13 pm
I can't even begin to think of a competition at this time of the day. Oh hang on how about guess the number of yarns in your stash?
Keep on blogging!!!
ra, at 8:50 am
Happy Bloggiversary to you, squashed tomato and stew etc.
I've just followed a link from Ra's blog.
There's been a lot of guess the amount of stash, weight of stash etc about so I'm casting about for something else...
You were concerned about creative writing in that last post (and very articulate it was too!).
So's how about a witty ditty, a rhyme, a pome or limerick, a story with a fibre/knitting content?
TutleyMutley, at 10:42 pm
How about pictures of the dust bunnies collecting because we're doing important fibrey things instead of cleaning, biggest ones, win! Aren't those dust bunnies fibre?
Anonymous, at 12:24 am
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